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Limite: str BC=RT10DI Selezione: New Faustian World
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    Networking city : pratiche artistiche e trasformazione urbana : artistic practices and urban transformation (1) / (0)
Networks (1) / (1)
    Networks and economic behaviour of the milanese Jews in the nineteenth century (1) / (0)
    Networks of commerce and maritime structure of the Kingdom of Granada : ports and scales in the bassomedieval marine traffic (1) / (0)
    Networks of outrage and hope (1) / (0)
    Networks, regions and nations : shaping identities in the Low Countries, 1300-1650 (1) / (0)
    Das Netz : Sinn und Sinnlichkeit vernetzter Systeme (1) / (0)


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CID / Arti Visive - Ultimo aggiornamento: 25-07-2024 03:26:09 - Schede in OPAC:  75466
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