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Meteorites and the early Solar system / editors John F. Kerridge, Mildred Shapley Matthews ; with 69 collaborating authors. - [Repr.]. - Tucson : The University of Arizona Press : [2000]. - 4 t. (XVII, 1269 p.) : ill. ; 23 cm. - (Space science series / general editor Tom Gehrels ; [14]) (Arizona books on request)
Classificazione: 523.51
Meteorites and the early Solar system [I]. - Tucson : The University of Arizona Press, [2000]. - XVII, 372 p. : ill., fot., diagr., tab. ; 23 cm. - (Space science series / general editor Tom Gehrels) (Arizona books on request)
Fa parte di: Meteorites and the early Solar system / editors John F. Kerridge, Mildred Shapley Matthews ; with 69 collaborating authors
Classificazione: 523.51

Biblioteca di Scienze geo-ambientali e planetarie (ex IGT): 523. 51. MES/1 T. 1

Meteorites and the early Solar system [II]. - [Tucson : The University of Arizona Press, 2000]. - P. 373-616 p. : ill., diagr., tab. ; 23 cm. - (Space science series / general editor Tom Gehrels) (Arizona books on request)
Fa parte di: Meteorites and the early Solar system / editors John F. Kerridge, Mildred Shapley Matthews ; with 69 collaborating authors
Classificazione: 551.9

Biblioteca di Scienze geo-ambientali e planetarie (ex IGT): 523. 51. MES/1 T. 2

Meteorites and the early Solar system [III]. - [Tucson : The University of Arizona Press, 2000]. - P. 617-992 p. : ill., diagr., fot., tab. ; 23 cm. - (Space science series / general editor Tom Gehrels) (Arizona books on request)
Fa parte di: Meteorites and the early Solar system / editors John F. Kerridge, Mildred Shapley Matthews ; with 69 collaborating authors
Classificazione: 523.51

Biblioteca di Scienze geo-ambientali e planetarie (ex IGT): 523. 51. MES/1 T. 3

Meteorites and the early Solar system [IV]. - [Tucson : The University of Arizona Press, 2000]. - P. 993-1269 p. : ill., diagr., tab. ; 23 cm. - (Space science series / general editor Tom Gehrels) (Arizona books on request)
Fa parte di: Meteorites and the early Solar system / editors John F. Kerridge, Mildred Shapley Matthews ; with 69 collaborating authors
Classificazione: 551.9

Biblioteca di Scienze geo-ambientali e planetarie (ex IGT): 523. 51. MES/1 T. 4



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